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jsp 엑셀 변환시 숫자를 문자형식으로 지정

N2info 2019. 2. 25. 12:04

jsp 엑셀 변환시 숫자를 문자형식으로 지정(원본 : https://enosent.tistory.com/62)

jsp 에서 엑셀로 변환 시 

0101  와 같은 데이터를 엑셀에 저장하게되면 101 와 같이 데이터가 변환되어 있다 .. 

이를 방지하기 위한 CSS 설정 .. 

.text {mso-number-format: "@";}


<td scope="col" class="text"><%= data.get("CPHONE") %></td>

더 다양한 표현(http://cosicimiento.blogspot.com/2008/11/styling-excel-cells-with-mso-number.html)

Styling Excel cells with mso-number-format

Styling Excel cells with mso-number-format
mso-number-format:"0"NO Decimals
mso-number-format:"0\.000"3 Decimals
mso-number-format:"\#\,\#\#0\.000"Comma with 3 dec
mso-number-format:"mmmm\ d\,\ yyyy"Date9
mso-number-format:"m\/d\/yy\ h\:mm\ AM\/PM"D -T AMPM
mso-number-format:"Short Date"01/03/1998
mso-number-format:"Medium Date"01-mar-98
mso-number-format:"Short Time"5:16
mso-number-format:"Medium Time"5:16 am
mso-number-format:"Long Time"5:16:21:00
mso-number-format:"Percent"Percent - two decimals
mso-number-format:"0%"Percent - no decimals
mso-number-format:"0\.E+00"Scientific Notation
mso-number-format:"\#\ ???\/???"Fractions - up to 3 digits (312/943)
mso-number-format:"\#\,\#\#0\.00_ \;\[Red\]\-\#\,\#\#0\.00\ "

2 decimals, negative numbers in red and signed
(1.56 -1.56)