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Running nicehash for GPU on Ubuntu

N2info 2020. 8. 9. 17:57

Running nicehash for GPU on Ubuntu

You can actually run equihash algorithm through NiceHash on Ubuntu. I just did this on my machine which is running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and a Nvidia GTX 960 GPU.

  1. Install latest nvidia drivers (unless you already have them installed)

  • First purge previous drivers sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*

  • Then checking what the latest drivers are by running ubuntu-drivers devices

  • Then install the recommended one sudo apt-get install nvidia-387

  • Then reboot the computer

  1. Install CUDA

  1. Install nheqminer

  • git clone https://github.com/nicehash/nheqminer.git

  • cd nheqminer/cpu_xenoncat/asm_linux/

  • sh assemble.sh

  • cd ../../../

  • mkdir nicehash && cd nicehash (name this dir whatever you want)

  • cmake ../nheqminer (assuming you have cmake v3.5+ already installed)

  • make -j $(nproc)

  1. Benchmark NiceHash

  • ./nheqminer -b -cd 0

  1. Run NiceHash

  • ./nheqminer -l equihash.usa.nicehash.com:3357 -u YOUR_BTC_ADDRESS_HERE.worker_name -cd 0

  • You can name your worker anything you like. It will come up in the NiceHash dashboard

  • You can change the -l to be another region as per the github documentation: https://github.com/nicehash/nheqminer

  • -cd 0 means use GPU at slot 0. You can check GPU numbers by running nvidia-smi

  1. Create a bash script to cd to your /nicehash directory and run the above script




Running nicehash for GPU on Ubuntu

You can actually run equihash algorithm through NiceHash on Ubuntu. I just did this on my machine which is running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and a Nvidia...
